If it doesn’t scan, it doesn’t come in
SIMPEX Import Export GmbH (SIMPEX for short) uses Barcotec auto-ID equipment and supplies to carry out its logistics activities.
The quality of a warehouse logistics process can only ever be as good as the goods receipt itself. After all, if the wrong goods or incorrectly labelled goods are put into storage, it is impossible to achieve logistical goals such as transparency, quality, fast throughput times and error prevention. The logistics centre at SIMPEX, a 100% subsidiary of INTERSPAR, in the south of Vienna, is also aware of this.
From here, SIMPEX, with a storage area of more than 32,000 m2, acts as a purchasing platform in the non-food II sector for the SPAR group of companies. In a 3-shift operation, up to 200 employees work on the smooth procurement and logistics processes, which primarily focus on 18 of the company's own brands. Household appliances, textiles and toys represent the most important product groups. More than 3,400 own-brand items and several thousand brand-name items are moved; all goods are bar-coded in compliance with GS-1.
Seasonal fluctuations
In order to cope with the high storage volume, mobile terminals, barcode printers and mobile workstations (so-called goods-in carts) from Barcotec, the Austrian specialist for automatic identification, are used in the shelf and small-parts warehouse. Robust, permanently installed terminals are used on the forklifts, which can withstand voltage fluctuations and ongoing vibration and thus guarantee error-free operation.
Seasonal goods, which often turn over within a year, are stored and distributed here by a reliable IT concept and efficient logistics processes; mainly by external forwarding agents who bring the goods from international suppliers overseas to the logistics centre in Wiener Neudorf.
New tools
Last year in particular, in order to further refine the logistics processes, the company also switched to hand back scanners. In addition to the mobile terminal, this allows the employees to pick "hands-free". Working without having to pick up and put away a device again and again can harbour savings potentials of up to 35 %. In any case, working comfort has increased considerably, which also makes work in the warehouse more attractive and successful for the employees - a not inconsiderable factor with approx. 150,000 pallets handled.

Von hier aus fungiert SIMPEX mit einer Lagerfläche von mehr als 32.000 m2 als eine Einkaufsplattform im Bereich Non-Food-II für die SPAR-Unternehmensgruppe. In einem 3-Schicht-Betrieb arbeiten bis zu 200 Mitarbeiter an den reibungslosen Beschaffungs- und Logistikprozessen, die sich primär auf 18 Eigenmarken des Unternehmens konzentrieren. Haushaltsgeräte, Textilien und Spielzeug stellen die wichtigsten Warengruppen dar. Über 3.400 Eigenmarkenartikel und mehrere Tausend Markenartikel werden bewegt, alle Waren sind mit GS-1-konformer Barcodierung versehen.
Saisonale Schwankungen
Um das hohe Lagervolumen bewältigen zu können, werden mobile Terminals, Barcodedrucker und mobile Arbeitsplätze (so genannte Wareneingangswägen) vom österreichischen Spezialisten für automatische Identifikation Barcotec im Regal- und Kleinteilelager eingesetzt. Auf den Staplern finden robuste, fix installierte Terminals ihre Anwendung, die Spannungsschwankungen und der laufenden Erschütterung standhalten können und somit einen fehlerfreien Betrieb gewährleisten.
Saisonware, die sich häufig innerhalb eines Jahres dreht, wird hier durch ein verlässliches IT-Konzept und effiziente Logistikprozesse gelagert und verteilt; vorwiegend durch externe Spediteure, welche die Güter von internationalen Lieferanten aus Übersee ins Logistikzentrum nach Wiener Neudorf bringen.
Neue Tools
Insbesondere im letzten Jahr hat man, um die Logistikprozesse noch weiter zu verfeinern, auch auf Handrückenscanner umgestellt. Damit können, in Ergänzung zum mobilen Terminal, die Mitarbeiter „handsfree“ kommissionieren. Das Arbeiten, ohne ein Gerät immer wieder nehmen und weglegen zu müssen, kann Einsparungspotenziale von bis zu 35 % bergen. Der Arbeitskomfort ist auf jeden Fall stark gestiegen, was auch die Arbeit für die Mitarbeiter im Lager attraktiver und erfolgreicher macht – bei ca. 150.000 abgewickelten Paletten ein nicht unerheblicher Faktor.

Efficient goods receipt
Goods are received in containers and pallets at the warehouse gate and, if necessary, labelled again there. For this purpose, mobile workstations from Barcotec are used, which are equipped with a laptop and have their own power source. The compact "Barcotec-on-the-go" trolleys offer electricity-independent working, thus a self-sufficient mode of operation and increase the flexibility of being able to work in the entire warehouse area.
Unnecessary travel times are thus eliminated, as printers - usually stationary - can also be carried along. Scanner holders, keyboard drawers or additional compartments are available for additional IT accessories so that the mobile trolley actually resembles a stationary workstation. In this way, the goods receiving process actually happens at the point of action, and the avoidance of mix-up errors increases the quality of work. For staff safety, all trolleys are equipped with residual current circuit breakers and are therefore safe companions.
Barcotec Managing Director Manuela Hagenauer on the cooperation with SIMPEX: "In a logistics environment like SIMPEX, we can show what we are really good at and have been doing for over 30 years: namely, putting together a compact package so that all processes and goods movements can be handled even better, more efficiently and faster. The devices and goods we supply give our customer a competitive advantage. That makes us happy!"