Make an inquiry
Smooth operation
Our competent support team is ready to help you quickly in case of questions or problems with your data capture. The primary goal is always to avoid interruptions to your processes.
Fast, expert support
If you have questions about device settings or problems with your data connection, you can rely on our team: Via remote access, telephone and e-mail, they will guide you in a comprehensible manner. Our employees draw their knowledge from their many years of experience with Auto-ID solutions of various kinds and ongoing training. With this expertise, they also deal with questions that can only be solved together with the device manufacturers. In many cases, these solutions are then also integrated into the regular software updates of the manufacturers.

We support your growth
Your company is growing or additional processes are to be digitalised? Due to the long-term availability, an expansion with identical devices is possible even after several years. If desired, our team will ensure seamless integration. During the consultation, however, we naturally also take a look at the current state of the art. Previously difficult to handle, different generations of devices can now be better managed together thanks to EMM software.
Custom-fit accessories
Whether it's an additional battery, stylus pen or cradle. Our team will find the right accessories exactly for your series and device configuration. If there is no standard product for your requirements, we also create individual accessories. You can be just as sure when ordering consumables such as labels - these are always precisely matched to the intended use and your devices.
Reliable repairs
In case of damage to equipment, Barcotec repairs at two locations in Salzburg and Vienna. Our technicians are also on site if required.